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We would love to hear from you! Please use the form on the right to contact us. Thank you for your interest in Hank Nelson Herefords. 

4017 SR 4 West
Rosburg, WA 98643
United States

360 465 2291

For a generation we have been working to create a better breed of beef to enhance your production and improve bloodlines.


Life on a farm in rural southwest Washington.


Linda Nelson

This weekend we happily attended the pinning of our daughter-in-law Rachel, as she completed her dental hygienist program in Pasco, Washington. Washington State has the most rigorous and demanding certification standards for RDH in  the country. Rachel and her team did an outstanding job. The training was for two years with two more years of prerequisites. This spring they were required to pass seven state board exams.

We had a great celebration with family and friends afterward.

Rachel is in the front row, far left, in the last picture and center in the first picture. 

Rachel is in the front row, far left, in the last picture and center in the first picture.


Saving the Bees

Linda Nelson

Pretty amazing pictures from my daughter's page. A few weeks ago a swarm of honey bees arrived at their house, and took up residence in their porch ceiling. This is their main entrance. Yesterday a local bee-keeper arrived.

After subduing the bees with smoke, he puts the comb into a hive box. Here's hoping he got the queen, otherwise the bees will start rebuilding in the walls.

Gracie's a ten.

Linda Nelson

Gracie got ham for dinner on her tenth birthday.

Lindsay set up these pictures of the birthday cake.

Now they're off to the movies to see Godzilla.

Corral Visitor

Linda Nelson

Lindsay's new pony, Ginger, is staying in our corral for a while. Here Lindsay is meeting her with an apple core.

The "viewer window" on my cameras has quit working, so I took these by just aiming in the general direction. New camera time.