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We would love to hear from you! Please use the form on the right to contact us. Thank you for your interest in Hank Nelson Herefords. 

4017 SR 4 West
Rosburg, WA 98643
United States

360 465 2291

For a generation we have been working to create a better breed of beef to enhance your production and improve bloodlines.


Life on a farm in rural southwest Washington.

John's Birthday

Linda Nelson

We celebrate the end of summer with ham, rolls and apple pie. We are enjoying a record dry spell, the temp. yesterday was 86. Hank is cleaning out his dry ditch before the rains return this week.

In Pasco, John and Rachel go out to eat on his birthday, he is 35.


I'm back!

Linda Nelson

I went missing for a month. I had both of my knees replaced on August 12. Yep, both of them. The hospital part lasted four days and my very supportive family has been helping me recover at home for the last month.

Gracie found out her heifer had won grand champion.

John and Rachel visited and helped with things while I was in the hospital.

School started for Gracie, Lindsay, Emily and John.

What a busy month. As I said, my family coached, cooked, shopped, and changed bandages. In the end, I'm glad I did the "twofer". No returning to the hospital, the PT is almost done, and I'll be better than new...soon.

Cooling Off

Linda Nelson

Hottest day of the year, time for a little foam bath. Gracie aims the foamer at Ellie.

Lindsay spreads shampoo on Fancy Nancy.

Amy watches closely. Just as we got started, a cool wind from the ocean came in, dropping the temperature from 89 to 80 in minutes.

They will head back home and finish some baking then drive to the fair this evening to enter their exhibits. Amimals go in on Wednesday evening.

I'm going to miss the county fair this year, I'm headed to the hospital tomorrow to have work done on my knees.



Linda Nelson

It's August and we are done with haying. What a busy summer so far! Prepping for the county fair and back to school shopping are on today's schedule.

Here are Amy, Lindsay and Fancy Nancy. 

Here are Amy, Lindsay and Fancy Nancy.


Grace shows her heifer how to hold her head up.