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We would love to hear from you! Please use the form on the right to contact us. Thank you for your interest in Hank Nelson Herefords. 

4017 SR 4 West
Rosburg, WA 98643
United States

360 465 2291

For a generation we have been working to create a better breed of beef to enhance your production and improve bloodlines.


Life on a farm in rural southwest Washington.


Linda Nelson

Daffodils that Hank picked for me yesterday.

These "wild" bulbs have bloomed here every spring since we moved here in 1972. I think a lot of them were planted by schoolchildren.  There once was a schoolhouse on the hill that's now our calving pasture. There were steps and a trail down to the river where the kids tied up rowboats. No road in those days, but a railroad ran down the hill near where the driveway is.
