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4017 SR 4 West
Rosburg, WA 98643
United States

360 465 2291

For a generation we have been working to create a better breed of beef to enhance your production and improve bloodlines.


Life on a farm in rural southwest Washington.

Peeps (part one)

Linda Nelson

Martha Stewart makes her own marshmallows and peeps, so it can't be that hard, right?

First you soften two packets of gelatine in .5 cups cold water. Boil .5 cup corn syrup, .5 cup water and 2 cups sugar to 245 degrees. Slowly combine the hot syrup and gelatine in your stand mixer and whip until it's creamy and makes soft peaks. I added vanilla and yellow food color.

Now things get sticky, you pour the soft marshmallow blob onto a parchment lined baking sheet.. If it sticks to the wooden spoon, wipe it off with your finger.

So then you sprinkle it with more sugar and leave it out on the counter for four hours before cutting it into shapes. To be continued in four hours. Hope a fly doesn't land in it!